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Senior BAY Course
Year 11, and above
Senior BAY explores a range of repertoire, giving participants an opportunity to delve into several genres and discover the capabilities of, not only their individual voices, but also the possibilities when voices are combined. If you’re wondering what to expect from this seven day, residential choral course, here are a few further questions to ponder:
What is it like to sing cross genre repertoire, from baroque to gospel, to folk song and musical theatre?
What type of voice do I have, how do I warm it up efficiently, and how do I use it stylistically appropriately according to period, genre and performance expectations?
How does my voice work – what’s happening anatomically and how does that impact on the sound?
What is it like to work with other singers; with small ensembles; to make music with like-minded peers?
Blend; ensemble work; solo lines; musicianship; performance skills – should I be developing all these musical and vocal aspects?
How do I harmonise? How does harmony function? What is it like to work with a close harmony specialist?
Of course, these are just a few questions you may find yourself exploring during the Senior Bay Course. You can certainly expect a Cabaret Evening (where course participants provide the entertainment!) a Pizza Night and several evenings of games.
Performance attire will be required for the final night!
It’s really down to the individual as to what’s achieved and gained from this week - there’s much on offer … but as is the case in most areas of life, the more you put in, the more you will get back.
The fee for Senior-BAY 2025 is £595